Saturday 22 May 2010


May, by definition, has not been a good month. Filled to the brim with assignments from five subjects has not been easy to cope with but for my future, I do it willingly and with great friends, it becomes easier. That isn't what made May an uneasy month.

It is what happened on the 1st and the 22nd that have made it a terrible month. The 1st was a first time experience; one that I told myself I would never want to have happened again and swore that I would be more cautious on the road for others and my own safety. It drove me into a phobia I never had since I began driving two years ago. But now, the thought of driving at night isn't something I plan to do anytime soon.

Then when I had just gained back my confidence, I go through the whole horrid experience again, making it worse for my parents; who are amazing for being so understanding and not once scolding me at all.

Overlooking the phobia of driving (at any hour of the day) and the torn muscles, I have to say that regardless of what an awful month it has been, I have one very important person for just being there for me through it all, that is You! What would I do without You...I don't know.

You have even blessed me with parents who are truly understanding and only care about my safety and overlooked the fact that the accidents happened in the span of three weeks, and for the three amazing friends that I could immediately text and call, and felt at peace immediately. 

You are my strength, my love, my grace, my protector and most importantly, my God.


Sunday 16 May 2010

All I ever wanted....

I have been looking forward to tonight's Discovery Channel show at 9 pm but something came up and it is as if I lost a date with a super cute guy. 

These are what I miss seeing on the TV because that's the closest I can get to seeing it face to 


Monday 10 May 2010

Cloud 9 (only E can do so).

Thanks Swansea for making my day.  :)


Saturday 8 May 2010

The mummy who bought her daughter a present on mother's day eve.

The woman who inspires me to be all I can be:

Love you lots mummy and thank you for

Love always,


Thursday 6 May 2010

It's somewhat undeniable that it has been awhile that someone has made my heart beat faster, caused butterflies in my stomach, made me blush and smile like a fool....then you came.

But what am I suppose to do next?


Monday 3 May 2010

There is this uneasiness that I feel when I think about you, but I have to admit that you're the first in a long time who has made my heart beat just that little faster. It just feels so odd and weird and too much all at the same time.

Why do I do?
