Sunday, 29 July 2007

love teaches many things

Lately, I've seen a couple of my friends go through a heart break and I myself could not bear to see them go through such a tough time. I think I can say that I do understand what it feels like losing someone you love and wishing that our broken heart could be mend a.s.a.p.
One of my dear friends made a huge mistake by letting go of the guy she loves (deeply) and now he refuses to get back with her. Not only that, he does not even want to talk to her nicely, he also critizes her as if she were some kind of trash and never a part of his past.
Helping her go through this hard period, I've learned to never take for granted the people we love especially the ones very close and dear to our heart. Furthermore, I think I've also learned to walk before I leap...or was it look before I leap. well...erm I think you got my point. =D.

- let the one you love know you love them for it is never too much to do so. what happens the day after today...we aren't sure thus we should never take them for granted.

Friday, 27 July 2007

A change of heart

I was browsing through a few of my friends' blogs and well I decided to post this up. Though this event took place a couple of weeks back, I don't see any reason why I should not just write this.
It was either early or the middle of July when my church had its' 2nd prayer encounter for the year. I was awfully upset and angry when my mum told me that I had to go for this event. In my heart I complained and on that day itself (a Friday), I went to church gloomy and I refused to open my heart to worship God or to let God speak to me. However, while watching the video ''Global day of Prayer'', my heart slowly melted and the door of my heart open ajar. I also began to feel God moving within me.
Then when we, the youths, started praying and worshipping, I began to really feel God's presence in that room and God moving among us. I prayed for my loved ones that they would one day know The Almighty and receive Him as their Saviour, for the people of the world and everything that has been going on lately, be it political or social matters.
While doing so, God began to speak to me. He told me that no matter what happens He'll always be there for me. and there was this one sentence that did not leave my mind the whole night through "Return to me, Your first love". Till this day I still do hold on to that phrase and pray silently in my heart that I would really return back to Him.
At the end of the night, my friends and I were drained and tired out after all the crying and praying and singing, but deep down in each of our hearts we knew that God was pleased with us. I knew that I went back home with a peace of mind and a really calm feeling; the total opposite of how I felt when I first stepped into church that day. I had come to realize that no matter how much I had sin against Him, He would still forgive me and if we really are genuine about returning to Him, He would accept us with open arms and an open heart.

1st post

Hey everyone...well this is my 2nd blog. For those who know my 1st can nicely delete it. Anyways, this is my first post and I so have to thank my dear sister; who willingly spend half the night setting up this blog for me. As many of you may know I am not exactly a computer whiz unlike her. So thanks Sa for tolerating my 1000 and 1 questions and ridiculous statements. =D.
The reason for making a new blog and blogging once again was...I shall be honest I saw everyone blogging and I thought to myself 'it does look like fun. so why not?' Hence, here it is but I shan't be blogging that much. only when I feel like doing so.

that's all for now...and thanks for viewing my blog.