Sunday, 29 July 2007

love teaches many things

Lately, I've seen a couple of my friends go through a heart break and I myself could not bear to see them go through such a tough time. I think I can say that I do understand what it feels like losing someone you love and wishing that our broken heart could be mend a.s.a.p.
One of my dear friends made a huge mistake by letting go of the guy she loves (deeply) and now he refuses to get back with her. Not only that, he does not even want to talk to her nicely, he also critizes her as if she were some kind of trash and never a part of his past.
Helping her go through this hard period, I've learned to never take for granted the people we love especially the ones very close and dear to our heart. Furthermore, I think I've also learned to walk before I leap...or was it look before I leap. well...erm I think you got my point. =D.

- let the one you love know you love them for it is never too much to do so. what happens the day after today...we aren't sure thus we should never take them for granted.

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