Friday, 27 July 2007

1st post

Hey everyone...well this is my 2nd blog. For those who know my 1st can nicely delete it. Anyways, this is my first post and I so have to thank my dear sister; who willingly spend half the night setting up this blog for me. As many of you may know I am not exactly a computer whiz unlike her. So thanks Sa for tolerating my 1000 and 1 questions and ridiculous statements. =D.
The reason for making a new blog and blogging once again was...I shall be honest I saw everyone blogging and I thought to myself 'it does look like fun. so why not?' Hence, here it is but I shan't be blogging that much. only when I feel like doing so.

that's all for now...and thanks for viewing my blog.


Leishia said...

haha! yes! blogging is FUN! and therapeutic, (plus, u can go blog-stalking ur friends. hehe. shhh)

welcome to the bloggosphere! :)

.::Neko-chan::. said...

Hey Michelle...Nabilah here....I would like to welcome you to the world of blogging....Just hope you don't become to addicted to it Like how I am now....Hope to see you sooon.....TA~TA

[SaSa] said...

haha don't worry nabilah...i'm just doing this for laughters.

Walltalker said...

Do i know you?? you sound so familiar.