Sunday, 1 March 2009

Pride destroys relationship but Humility overcomes it.

They say, "you are too much of a picky perfectionist, cannot find a guy next time".
I say, "I rather be one than to never set goals and achieve them. I rather be single than to live a miserable life with somebody who isn't of my choice. Besides I have History for a life time, why would I need a man? Hehe.

Pride is being critical and to overcome that, we need humility. I think that there should be a balance in both. If we are not critical, we will never achieve our best. However, along the way, we also need to have humility to thank those who have helped us get to the top and forget those who became obstacles.



Essie said...

that's right. All or nothing. No trash allowed. =D

CheLLe said...

Haha. True true. I realise that the both of us seem to have the same view on a few things eh. Hehe