First Name: Michelle
Nickname: Chelle. Panda. Big Buffalo.
Name you wish you had: Theona.
What do people normally mistake your name as: Michael or Mitchell.
Birthday: 16 Nov.
Single or taken: Taken (by the dead).
Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
-Your Appearance-
How tall are you: 165.5 cm
Wish you were taller: A little. Hehe.
Eye colour: Black.
Eye colour you want: Piercing blue.
Natural Hair colour: Black.
Hair colour: Auburn Red.
Short or long hair: Long.
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: Not until I'm 21.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: Nothing much.
Glasses or contacts: Glasses.
Do you wear make-up: Does lipstick count?
Ever had hair extensions: No.
-In the opposite gender-
What colour eyes: Piercing baby blue. No fakeys!
What colour hair: Yummy chocolate like Ben Barnes'.
Shy or Outgoing: Both.
Looks or personality: Personality first.
Sexy or Cute: Both.
Serious or Fun: Depends.
Older or Younger than you: Older.(I have a strict rule about dating guys younger or same age.)
A turn on: Piercing blue eyes, deep set dimples and gorgeous smile.
A turn off: A boy/guy/man who has no respect for a girl/lady/woman as an individual and not just a 'female'.
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolates: Flowers.
Pepsi or Coke: Neither.
Rap or Rock: Neither.
Relationship or One night stand: Neither. (Yeah, I don't mind being single.)
School or Work: Work, if and only if, it involves Egypt.
Love or Money: Now, MONEY!
Movies or Music: Can't choose.
Country or City: City. New York or London or Dubai.
Sunny or Rainy days: Rainy days.
Friends or Family: Family.
-Have you ever-
Lied: Who hasn't?
Stole something: No.
Smoked: No.
Hurt someone close to you: Yes.
Broke someone's heart: I usually do so only if they deserve it.
Had your heart broken: Yes, thanks for the experience. :)
Wondered what was wrong with you: Yes.
Wish you were a prince/princess: No.
Liked someone who was taken: I don't think so.
Shaved your head: No way.
Been in love: Yes.
Used chopsticks: Yes.
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Yes.
Flower: Lavender for its smell and roses just because they are roses.
Candy: None.
Song: The Climb and No Boundaries.
Scent: Burberry, the Beat!
Colour: Black, always.
Movie: Titanic.
Singer: None.
Word: 'Egypt'.
Junk food: Peanut butter bread.
Website: Ancient Egyptian History.
Location: Egypt.
Animal: Doggy.
Ever cried over someone: Yes.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: Overall, no.
Do you think you're attractive: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Aladdin.
Do you play any sports: ROFL!
The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
1. I'm in love with Ancient Egyptian History.
2. I have a huge crush on...
too bad slowly find out yourself.3. I suffer from OCD.
4. I will choose Egypt over a guy but if it is a man..we'll see. Haha.
5. I love the colour black on me but my room is blue.
6. My favourite item is my Winnie the Pooh
from mummy.7. Porsche is my dream car.
8. I will go to Egypt one day.
I tried to change the blog background to something less gloomy or morbid but I couldn't stand the sight of it after visiting other blogs that were black in colour. Confession time:
I'm obsessed with the colour black. :D