Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Can I ask: Why do people bother having a long-distance relationship?

If you can't hold him in your arms when he is broken into pieces...
If you can't jump into his arms when you are rejoicing...
If you can't have his shoulder to cry on...
If you can't help but miss him like crazy when you're surrounded by couples...
If you can't enjoy a beautiful night out with him beside you...
If you can't go for a stroll by the beach with his arm around you...
If you can't bear the thought of being away from him, another day...
If you can't look him in the eyes and tell him "I love you"...

Why do you put yourself in so much agony when you say "I miss him badly" and are all in tears?

the 'he' can be replaced with a 'her'.



Rachel AY said...

agree agree!!!
unless you know what you want in the future and know where this relationship is heading to , else its really pointless.

CheLLe said...

Exactly! Or else I really see NO POINT of remaining attached. I also don't understand why when people know they are going abroad and the partner isn't, they still insist on getting together.

melthechocoholic said...

I read wrongly, i thought u're saying that the solution to this is to replace the 'him' to 'her' O.O


melthechocoholic said...

*with her

Leishia said...

but human have feelings woh. u cant just go like... oh, since u'll be going abroad to study, let's break up! ciao!... right?

it's a very personal issue, i guess. everyone's personality, situation, factors, odds, etc are different.

whatever the decision is, one most important thing is, you both are clear with ur reasons as to why this relationship is going/no go.

the reasons will keep u moving.

CheLLe said...

Mel: aduhai! How many times do I have to make this clear la, I am not lesbian. Haha.

LJ: I agree with you too but what if A applies for a PR application in whatever country and B is nowhere close going over and living in that country. Don't tell me their whole lives, they are going to live apart like that right? Even if there is a reason...how long can that reason last?

I guess I just feel like if I go overseas, I wouldn't want to be tied down to anyone living here because then I wouldn't be able to enjoy my life overseas without worrying about someone back home.

a l y said...

HAHA..i oso read wrongly lehh!!! i tot u want to "replace him with her"!! =p
erm, i think it depends on the cpl, and how commited they are. If ther're commited, den i guess its worth it.
Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder no? =)

CheLLe said...

Aly: Aiyor you and Mel seriously need to get better glasses. Haha. I don't know lor...I see my friend and her bf, it drives me crazy only. Haha.

Anonymous said...

I think that *ahem hahaha this is so funny la the comments...I can't stop laughing!* yeah I totally agree with you in the sense that if you don't really see a future it's quite silly to put yourself and the other person through so much agony lor! However like what Leishia said, if you're already together, takkan just because okay I'm going overseas and my feelings for you will be leaving with me bye. But if they choose to carry on with the relationship both must really see a future la otherwise how right...all the insecurities and stuff too.
BUT! If they after that so stupid to keep themselves apart even longer like I live here you live there then I don't know la that wan haiyo. It's very unfair to the relationship to do something like that la. After all if you want to be together isn't it because you want to have a life together? So after you're in a relationship I think your reasons and decisions have to not totally but a big part of it should be prioritised around each other and the relationship lor. It's 2 ways la, both parties will have to make some sacrifice within the course of their relationship anyway. I guess there might be other reasons other than personal and selfish reasons for a couple to insist on staying apart for longer than a few years consecutively but I can't think of any nor have I heard of any. Studies la I understand but that's still temporal but I mean after...

That's just what I think :)

Unknown said...

Haha. Yeah I agree with you Li Jen. I just find it so much trouble to be in a relationship, period. :)