Saturday 21 February 2009

Here I come....*ah choo*

Okay, I agree he isn't top in the looks department and neither is he as popular as Rihanna, who was also suppose to come down on 13th February (but thanks to Chris Brown she couldn't.) but I think he is musically inclined and it is his music that matters and not anything else.

*oh yeah, before I forget I'm down with the flu and headache so I may not exactly make sense.

For those of you who did not know Jason Mraz is coming to town on the 4th of March and Mixfm and Hitzfm were or are giving out free tickets. My bestie and I are more loyal to Mixfm and she overheard that last Friday was the last day they would be giving out the tickets. Before that, she has been blabbing about winning the tickets and going for the concert, and we tried on Wednesday night but someone else won.

So like any other normal Friday, when to college- for Lit and Tort- and she already told me "whatever it is we must be in the car by 6 and I hope got long jam". Seriously, even though she's not a Christian, God seems to answer her prayer too. *eesh* So my Tort lecturer let us off at 5.45, as if it made any difference she talks to herself most of the time while the rest of us pretend to listen and study by ourselves with the mp3 on *oops!* Got into the car and lo 'n' behold IT WAS JAM!!! I was already down with sore throat and kind of cranky, so the jam only made things worse but she is my dearest friend, so I just kept quiet while she was being hyper (usually we take turns or on most days we are both hyper; which is not a good scene for other drivers...hehe)

So we were listening to Mixfm while my friend complained as to why they were taking so long to promote the tix and I was looking around hoping not to fall asleep while waiting for the stupid cars to move their butts. And when entering Subang from Federal, I heard Mraz's song "You and I" playing along with the starting of a Maroon 5 song, I shouted "Call now!" and we tried a few times but couldn't get through- must be because both of us were dialing at the same time- then there was a police car in front, so I had to put my phone down. And suddenly my friend said, "Hello?" I waited patiently but full of excitement, and she started talking to Sham and then she smiled biggyly and then raise her hand for a high 5. I was driving! She always does this sort of thing while I drive assuming that I've got three hands- two to drive and one to punch her etc.

So, in short of that long long babbling above, she won two tickets worth RM 208 to go and watch Jason Mraz at Stadium Negara on the 4th of March!!!! And she is bringing me along!!! SO love her now...though of course we won't admit it to one another...hehe.



Seriously serious. said...

I oso wanna go! hahhahaha! who is jason mraz? =P

Unknown said...

I thought you no longer using your blog wan? Jason Mraz is the singer for "I'm Yours", "Lucky", "The Remedy" and "You and I". To name a few la. hehe

Leishia said...

argh! yerr!!!! I hate you!!!!! >.<

Seriously serious. said...

new bloggie =P twothreenine is kept for memory hahaha..

leishia - I'm with yooou! hahahha!

Unknown said...

Hahaha! So mean! What can I do? My bestie won the tickets and I'm her bestie...can't disappoint her right? Hehe.