Sunday 12 April 2009

A not so happy Easter Sunday.

Didn't exactly have an all too pleasant day today. Woke up early to complete my work and finished right on time to shower and go off to college. Consequence of the lack of time was that I forgot to eat my breakfast and lunch, hence, I starved all the way till 3pm.

Arrived in college and found that the class was not open yet and it was so freaking hot! Of all days they (the college) decided not to turn on the corridor air cons, well can't really blame them since it is a Sunday! At the end, had to suffer in one of the classes; which had no air con for an hour because of some stupid reason. In addition to the hot surrounding, my stomach was growling and the Economics lecturer isn't the nicest people on earth- I have to say he is sort of the wannabe Simon Cowell of the college; downright sarcastic and knows damn well that I HATE...actually wait...LOATHE calculations(even the simplest ones).

We were going through the past year papers and surprise; surprise my mind was all messed up with all the theories (formula and calculations never entered my brain before), so it was kind of sucky start. For the next 6 hours, I was called up to the front to do all the calculation questions; which I honestly have to say DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO AT ALL and seriously nothing! Thus, that just made things worse. My lecturer refused to let me go and made me do all the calculations despite the numerous times I told him in front of the entire class "I don't do maths!" Was bullied by him countless times but I've gotten use to it, so I took it lightly.

Though what one of the smarty girls said was not hurtful but more of just...well my thought was "Oh shut up! You don't know that my brain is just not made for such subjects. It's better off with memorising."

Came back home, sat down and ate dumpling while watching Oprah- acting out both of my favourite past times simultaneously; pigging and couch potato-ing. Decided to sleep early and wake up early but a dear friend 'texted' and another called, so out of bed it was and then a thought came to mind.

'I hate Maths and Calculation but my love for my dream (Egypt) exceeds it, hence, I'm going to find a way around the formulas and calculation questions just so I can be a tiny step closer to Egypt!

Then now! I have managed to complete all the calculation questions in 4 papers with only 2-3 that I really don't know. At the end, another thought comes to mind; "If there is a will (love for E), there is a way (a way around the torturing questions)."

Soon, I will be off completing the rest of the questions; which I hope I can try to answer without getting too many wrongs as before.

Thank God!



cookie lover said...

hey i LOVE OPRAH!!
like freaking love it
its a gud show
and she is phenomenal!!

CheLLe said...
